Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Priorities, priorities, for a 5-year old?

5 Year Old With Priorities!

I used to preach this to my niece - who is now in college on scholarship. I hope that you all will find this entertaining:)

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rote Memorization Being Bypassed In India..

As an educator, it has always been my goal to work with students in understanding basic fundamental concepts that they learn - and bridging this new sense of gained knowledge to the world around them.

Take for example a middle school student who has just learned about the different types of machines that are needed for work in a science class. As an educator, it would be my task to have the students apply this new knowledge to the world around them. Perhaps look into your computer and identify as many machines as you can find or perhaps go into your kitchen and fill your day with science and discovery as you are able to practice what has been preached.

In the latest article that I have recently read from the New York Times, there is a movement in some of the schools in India to steer away from the ideas of "rote memorization" and move more towards "creativity and idea generation." Indeed, it is very easy for the majority of the population to repeat what has been said but to take the time and allow your brain to produce a coherent original thought is something that many individuals cannot accomplish, even when given the direct instruction.

Although I still believe that understanding the general curriculum that other individuals in the free world is exposed to can be very important - I also see the direction that India would like to take as we are moving farther along in the 21st century. Productivity is important - but creativity is key as we advance as a society. We must think ahead for and with this next generation that will surpass the accomplishments of our own. Let's try to give them the tools and skills to be the inventors and engineers of the future!

Rote Memorization Being Bypassed in India..

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What is Dyscalculia?

As an educational professional, I encounter students with varying degrees of strengths and challenges. Much of my practice is helping students with some type of language processing issue or behavioral problems that make it difficult for them to access their education on their own. However, as I have been exposed to more and more students, I have noticed a hard turn to the "left" when encountering students with Dyscalculia.

Dyscalculia - is the "math version" of dyslexia. In dyslexia -students have a difficult time making sense of letters and words but in dyscalculia - students become confused with math symbols. As a fairly "left-brain" minded individual, this concept of having a math disability has always deeply concerned me - and saddens me at the same time.

Take for example a student that is at the middle school level. Some grade appropriate concepts that the student should master by this stage of the game would be multiplication, addition, subtraction and division. Hopefully this same student would be able to think through and solve problems that require multiple steps such as "What is 5 times 8 then divided by 2?". These problems, when presented to students who may have dyscalculia could prove to be very overwhelming as they cannot understand the concepts of dividing and multiplying. After working with the student, I found that there may be a disability that has been overlooked in his psychological testing and additional interventions need to be put into place to help him with mathematical concepts.

 Wikipedia's Link on Dyscalculia

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cobb County........No More Balanced Calendar?

Sometimes,I just have to report on what is happening in my own backyard. I have to share this with my viewers because it is an important aspect of the community here in Cobb County:


If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at info@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://learningridge.com/.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What To Do: Suggestions To Help Students Who Remember Information One Time, But Not The Next...

What are some suggestions to help your student with remembering things? Here are a few:

1. Have the student take notes of the important information
2. Ask student to tape record the information that he/she needs to know
3. Outline/highlight/or underline the information that should be remembered
4. Teach the students how to recognize the main points
5. Reduce distractions when student is learning the information..

These are just a few suggestions that may help your student. If you need additional support - please email me at cjoyjavier@gmail.com or you can call me at 404-964-8533.

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at cjoyjavier@gmail.com or visit my website at http://www.christinejavier.com/.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What are some signs of Autism?

According to the Autism Society of America Website, here are some signs that are commonly found in students who have Autism:Lack of or delay in spoken language

Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects)

Little or no eye contact

Lack of interest in peer relationships

Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play

Persistent fixation on parts of objects

More information on the Autism Society Of America can be found by clicking on:

Autism Society of America

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/.

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Too Much Information....

When we think about education, we think about the fact that our students do way too much that they are unable to complete their homework. I remember being in the classroom and listening to one student tell a veteran teacher, "Hey teacher, I won't be turning in the project that is due today. I'll have my mom turn it in next Thursday when we come back from vacation in Hawaii." Really? That happens now and days?

I am the product of a very education/task focused family. It seems that the individual that I looked up to most when I was growing up was my grandfather. He was one of the most intelligent men that I have ever met and had a knack for knowledge. He loved learning, loved it more than anyone I know. I remember my uncles telling me that while he was working on his PhD in Economics, he would look at the notes that his brother was taking in order to qualify for his law degree. Despite the fact that my father did not attend a day of law school, he was able to learn the material "vicariously" and earned a higher score on the law exam.

However, times have changed and it seems like the love for school has changed as well. Students in our society have come away from the romantic notion of "loving school" and showing their best when it comes to their school work. As a middle child, I went to school excited to see my teachers, my friends, and even my books as everyday was a "gift of learning" that I could share with others. I was very independent -  and my parents can attest (and have attested) that the only support that they have given me in my homework was in providing me with paper, pencils and a backpack. They never sat down and quizzed me or even asked to see my report card (They knew that I was an "A" student. Especially when my teachers would call the house and tell them that.)

 During parent conferences I could see how extremely "bored" they were by listening to my teachers tell them, year after year "Your daughter is a talented and gifted student who loves to....." (okay, fill in the blank). I do admit - I was at the extreme spectrum of what is now considered very capable and conscientious students. There was not one person who told me to act that way - I did it with my own volition. What about kids today?

My biggest concern is that our children in society may not have the best set of priorities that are laid out for them. I do agree that students need a balanced life - but sometimes it is the adult that needs to set these priorities in place for them. Teach them at an early age what your routine is, what your limits are (for example, you have 20 minutes of "me" time right after you get home from school then you will have your snack and begin homework) and what the expectations are. It is important that they "do their best", but it is also important that they accomplish their milestones as well. When you are honest and proactive with your kids, they will learn how to adapt and do their best in any given circumstance.

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/DunwoodyVinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at mailto:christine@learningridge.com.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Can You Not Be Excited To Teach That?

Perhaps I am too old fashioned - or too new fashioned? I cannot imagine why sometimes I have to hear my own voice saying, "No way! Your teacher is giving you a lesson on that and didn't give you an opportunity to use real life examples to demonstrate how to learn the concept! Shucks!"

I love what I do - teaching students how to learn the information that has been given to them by a classroom teacher. Sometimes when they give me the document I notice the look of perplexity and desperation on their face that says, "Help, you are my only hope!" No matter what the task, I always feel that after that session is over, there is a sense of accomplishment not only on their part, but on mine as well.

Yes, I do have a bag of tricks and some magic that I pull from up my sleeve to have children learn. But the one thing that I do to try to help my students is the art of finding relevant information in their own life to help them understand that "bigger picture". I am happy to say that I did this today in a subject that I received accolades for.....many years ago.

A long time ago in a galaxy called "High School", there was a young girl whose name is called "Little Miss Estudious". "Estudiious" had many friends that were "estudious" as well. So much so that they built a network together where they would gather in libraries and in lunchrooms talking about homework and who "blew up the bell curve". Sad to say, "Little Miss Estudious" was also part of the Curve-Breaker Group, another infamous group that wandered the halls of high school.

When it was time for the "Estudious" team to be recognized for their achievements - it was only obvious that she would win the award in math... right? WRONG! "The Department Award for Biology goes to.........."Estudious" were the very words that uttered from my high school teachers mouth on that dreadful day - a day that marked my love for math that was later on traded in for a science award. The infamous day in history that I call "D" day ("D" standing for "Duh" - really, you think that I am "Science" material?". I don't know what my science teacher saw in me. Later on she confessed that she believed in her heart that I would go on to study medicine or biology. I tried to secretly hold that laugh inside because I thought that someone who would think that I was a scientist really did not...know me at all.

Back to February 2011, one of my students shared with me some information that he needs to learn for his quiz in Physical Science. Mind you - I taught earth and life science but something about Physical Science really gives me the chills (perhaps it is because it is the type of science that neurologically inept individuals seem to like the most. i.e. Ted Kaczinsky ring a bell?) He proceeded to tell me that his science teacher hands out these nicely copied workbook pages from the book and adds information on the last sheet that they do not "fill out". The topic was amazing and I asked the student if his teacher lectured about the importance of this topic. I mean learning about work" and "machines" - you would think that any boy would love this because that is what LEGOS are made of?

WRONG AGAIN! This teacher (who I would like to call "teachless") seems to just teach for the paycheck. I saw the blank stare on my students face and said, "Okay, now think about it. If you had to walk all around this room, you could find all sorts of machines. For example, look at this gel pen...name the machines in here. What about a pair of scissors...what two machines are in here?"

I don't know why bad teaching happens to good students. I just tried to show him how you can "relate" all of that information to what you see in real life. Look at it this way, learning happens for just a few days or weeks, it is application that lasts - a lifetime!

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Importance of Language - For Your Young Child

Let me preface this blog entry by first stating that I grew up around individuals who have accents. On top of that, I am constantly surrounded by people with bi-lingual tendencies. Between my husband, my in-laws, and my own family, we speak enough languages to take use around the world. I am very proud of my ability to discern the English language beneath a film of German, French, Spanish, Punjabi, Chinese, Liberian, and Filipino. The only problem that I have with understanding how someone speaks is if....they do not speak coherently.

What I am trying to say is that my ears are very discerning and I am very astute when listening to an individual speak. The only obstacle that may prohibit this is when the individual with whom I am speaking with does not pronounce the words in a coherent manner. For example, I remember hearing someone say the word "when" instead of "win". This just goes to show that sometimes if you only have one shot to say something, say it loud - and clear.

Regardless of how old you are, please make sure that you speak clearly around your children. When I was younger, I remember my older brother hiring a nanny that did not speak English to care for his middle child (my younger niece). My older niece spent almost every waking hour with me listening to me and eventually copying my many peculiar mannerisms - including my speech patters. My younger niece on the other hand, grew up with a slight disadvantage because her young toddler brain could not oscillate between the three languages that were spoken to her in any given hour. It took me years to understand why it was so difficult for me to comprehend what she was saying, but when I finally realized what it was, it all made sense.

 If you have caretakers, nannies or babysitters, have them speak coherently around your children as well. As a product of a household that utilized nannies - this is most important. The habits that your child develops now will last - a lifetime!

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"I Believe That Your Kid May Not Be Challenged At School"

I have one parent, one very dedicated parent, who has done nothing but educate her child. Since the little tike was about one years old - I remember her asking me about what she should/could/ do to help her child learn.

As I compiled this list of "resources" and "materials" for her child, she began to use them piecemeal each and every week. I slowly noticed that the little man was becoming more and more interested in me and the learning sessions that I was having with his sister. At a very young age, he was able to mimic the behaviors that his sister would make during our sessions and pretend as if he was being tutored as well. I knew that his brain was a sponge and like his two very educated parents, he is a highly motivated and intelligent young man who wanted nothing but to be fed with knowledge.

It has been about one year since the mother has worked with her child and all I can say is "wow". He knows how to read basic sight words and instead of saying the word loud, he uses the word "fortissimo". I can honestly say that this student is young, very young but never too young to be exposed to knowledge and information that he can try to make sense of the world. Even his potty time has turned into a Socratic Method of Inquisition as he asks his mom, "Where does the poopy go?" Honestly, this kid has me so excited every week that I meet with him and is a testament to what a stay-at-home mom can do, when she is focused!

All in all, he is applying to a private school and as a result, the school that he is currently at has stated that "he may not be challenged at School XYZ." Really? Is that all that a school can say?

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at cjoyjavier@gmail.com or visit my website at http://www.christinejavier.com/.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One of the hardest things about what I do....

As a professional educator and supplemental education provider,  the hardest thing that I have to encounter is realizing that someone did something "wrong". It really does have an impact on how I must proceed with the the plans that I have made with my particular student(s).

One particular instance occurred while I was conducting an assessment. I was asking one particular student who is short of the next Dakota Fanning and asked her to tell me all the different sounds that certain letters make. She did quite well in the basic assessment. However, as it pertained to the more intermediate levels of the alphabet - I am afraid that this teacher taught the entire class the "incorrect" way of learning the alphabet.

I know that in my years of helping students with reading (which, by the way - is one of the highlights of my career!) there have been some teachers that I have been made aware of that "teach them wrong". It really  baffled me that someone could do that to a roomful of students and I never in my wildest dreams would want to wish that on any student. Fortunately for me, when I was a young child I was able to pick up on the nuances of language and "patterns" however, not everyone is like me and not everyone should attempt to teach students with the ability to cancel certain things out.

As a result - I am correcting the hours of rehearsal that this teacher did as a way to reverse the "incorrect" learning. I know this student is a quick learner and I am assured that she will transfer the new learning soon.

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When Kids Play It Helps With....Executive Functioning?

I came from a traditionally large family. My parents had two sets of kids - one set born in the United States and the other set born overseas. I was the "middle child" with two older sibling and three younger siblings. My older sibling was the "cool one" and the three younger siblings were the "rough ones" with nothing but love and nonsensical banter between the three.

I spent the better part of my childhood being entertained by my two younger brothers and one younger sister. I was always in awe watching them play with each other, view countless movies or better yet - upstage each other by trying to outsmart whoever was in their war path. As they grew older, I felt that they became weirder and weirder each and every day. Little did I know that those precious minutes being around the other accelerated their social and intellectual development.

This is one reason why I do believe that the idea of "play" to be very important to the overall development of a child. It teaches them many different things such as how to plan social interactions, how to compromise, how to negotiate and the best part of all, how to experience and share the finest moments in your life.

The link found below describes the importance of play for today's child:


If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Organic Baby Food by Renowned Chef, Tyler Lawerence!

Food Network Celebrity Chef, Tyler Lawerence has a new line of food designed with your baby in mind! The product line is called Sprout and it features an all-organic ingredient list!

This is the best thing to arrive on grocery shelves since baked potato chips! In some parts of Europe, baby food has to be organic and some parents have resorted to making their own baby food. If you would like more information on this, please click on the link below:


If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Monday, February 7, 2011

According to this UK website, it is not just kids that are being bullied...but teachers as well...

I wish that we lived in a more perfect world. However, the world that we live in has some flaws. Some of these flaws are attributed by the people around us and sometimes, they are the people that we grow to love and respect - teachers.


If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My child wants to play a sport, what should he or she begin with?

At what age should your child begin playing sports? I have known some people in the great state of Georgia that have their children golfing - while they are still wearing diapers!

Here is an excellent link that describes the developmentally appropriate skills that children should master and by what time frame:


If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at cjoyjavier@gmail.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a developmental reading disorder that is caused by the brain's inability to process graphic symbols.

At times parents may think that this might be caused my a vision problem or other health problems. Prior to having a medical professional rule this information out, it may be helpful that you have your son/daughter evaluated for a pyschoeducational test and a pyschological assessment. It is at that time that a diagnosis may be made regarding the presence or absence of dyslexia.

If your student does have dyslexia, there are many different strategies and learning systems that are available to help your student learn. Contact me at 404-964-8533 if you would like to discuss your situation.

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Applications for Learning...

Okay, I do have to admit that our household is half Education and half Technology. I am the Education half and my husband, well let's just say that he loves Apple products (sometimes so much that I think that he suffers from a minor form of ATA, Apple Technology Addiction).

There is never a day where he does not take out the iPad to show me what new Apps are available for me to share with my students. One application that he knows that I adore is Brainpop. The moment that he pulled up the screen and I heard the Moby the robot talk, I had a smile appear from ear to ear. I also was able to get in touch with my inner kid as I played with the Grover's Number Special Application on the iPad. No matter what the application, there is one that will definitely suit your (inner) child!

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

One tutoring session, over a half dozen strategies...

The more that I think about education, the more difficult it seems to me to come up with one solution that will fit "all students".

As a masters level teacher, I am highly critical of the education system and also, my own teaching. I do not hesitate to scrutinize myself when I fail to enunciate my words in a clear manner, or forget to ask students to make eye contact with me as I am giving directions. Being a teacher is more than delivering content, it is about "connecting the dots" that will help make sense to the student(s) in front of you.

This is the reason for my post today. I have one student in particular who attends one of the more "enviable schools" in the county that I live in. Time and time again I succumb to hearing his stories about the teachers at his school that "deliver content" but fail to really engage the students. For me it is like watching a really good Hollywood Blockbuster movie and...not seeing the end. I remember being in the classroom with students like him and with teachers like the ones that he speaks of and I ask myself, "why do they not explain this information and just not teach it". When I was in this situation I always jumped up in front of the classroom and stirred the class up with countless examples of how you can find this correlation in real life. Learning is not about memorization, it is about creating an emotional connection that will help you remember how to apply it forever.

I am sure that this teacher or these teachers will not change their habits. I am not asking them to change who they are. I will say that somtimes when you show students how passionate you are about your subject, it does become contagious!

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Dunwoody/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sensory Friendly Film for February 2011!

Sensory Friendly Films is featuring: Gnomeo and Juliet!

February 12, 2011 at the following theaters:


AMC Phipps Plaza 14

3500 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, Ga. 30326

AMC Discover Mills 18

5900 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Ste. 415, Lawrenceville, Ga. 30043

AMC Southlake 24

7065 Mount Zion Cir., Morrow, Ga. 30260

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County, Gwinnett) and have any questions about the JATP, CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Singapore Math, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, Brain Gym or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com//. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

A Dedicated Father

I would like to preface this post to all the dedicated parents out there who work day and night to help their child with life's little challenges. Whether it be toilet training, reading, or helping them with life - I really commend each and every one of you who make these sacrifices that you think go unnoticed. This post is - for you.

I am very lucky to have the clients that I have. Every time I work with a parent who is a "great mom" or a "great dad", I know that I am in a good place. I have parents who have told me that they occassionally may need to lose out on sleep from 4am to 8am  so that they can free up their afternoons to spend with their kids. Some of my parents (like my own mother) have waited in parking lots so that their son/daughter can have a cello/piano or tutoring lesson. Whatever the sacrifice, there is no greater love than giving oneself to your children no matter what age they are.

One parent in particular that I would like to spotlight is the father of two young children: one incredibly charming young third grade girl and a rambunctious almost three year old toddler that makes me blush everytime he gives me a kiss on the cheek. During one of the tutoring sessions that I had with the young girl, she told me that her father was helping her mother with an application that they needed to fill out for the private school. I told her that I read through the personal statements and responses that he had made and said, "they were thoughtfully put together in a very thorough manner." She proceeded to tell me how her dad did this.

You see, her father works 60 hours a week and is a highly educated man. After coming home from work and (maybe) enjoying his evening with his wife and kids, he took the time to complete the application for his son - from 8pm to 4am in the morning. When the little girl told me this I thought to myself, how lucky her brother is to have a father work so hard to make sure that he has the best education possible in his life. Not only does he put in the hours at work to provide food on the table and a roof over their heads, but he comes home and painstakingly spends countless hours with an application that could pave the way for his son's future.

It is with utmost respect that I show my admiration and appreciation not only for this parent, but for all parents out there that take the time to make every second count for their children!

 If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What are the most effective ADHD Medications?

This information can be found on the following website:

1 . Adderall
2. Concerta
3. Dexedrine
4. Dextrostat
5.  Focalin
6. Metadate ER
7. Metadate CD
8. Ritalin SR
9. Ritalin SA
10. Ritalin

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/.

JATP in Atlanta...

If you are new to the Atlanta area and are unaware of the JATP, here is some information that may prove to be useful as you tackle on this process.

There are 12 prestigious private schools in the Atlanta area that have a high number of applicants that seek admission each year. In order to provide equity to the students, the JATP was formed to make this process more streamlined and objective. A series of tests, applications, and campus visits are required to show if the school and the prospective family is a good match.

My experience with helping families through this process has been quite, successful. In my years of consulting, I am very happy to say that I have been able to help students succesfully "breeze through" the process.  I will however, say that it was a commitment by both the family and myself to say that their admittance was a success. The hours put forth in looking at all the different factors that make a student "marketable" in the eyes of the admissions board is something that is more complex than just a number or two or three words. It is the "whole picture" that sometimes, parents fail to see.

As I continue to help my dedicated portfolio of clients, I look forward to the weeks that come as we sit back, relax and wait for all of our hard work to pay off. My clients and I have worked very hard not only to prepare these young children for the JATP, but for the nuances of life!

If you are in the Atlanta/Marietta/Kennesaw/Vinings/Sandy Springs/Buckhead area (Cobb County, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cherokee County) and have any questions about the CRCT, SSAT, SAT, GED, Summer Tutoring, Orton-Gillingham, Handwriting Without Tears, Writing Strategies, or any methodologies or instructional methods that may help your child succeed, please contact me at christine@learningridge.com or visit my website at http://www.learningridge.com/. If you need immediate assistance, you can call me at 404-964-8533.