Tuesday, July 10, 2012

3 Ways To Help Your Child With Logical Thinking

Does your child have problems with logical thinking? Is it difficult for them to come up with logical solutions? Here are a few suggestions to help your child think a little more reasonably!

1. Give your child responsibilities that require logical thinking

Example - watering plants and providing a watering can and a glass..

2. Provide your cild with problem solving situations which require logical thinking

Example - "A stranger takes you by the arm in a department store. What do you do?"

3. Follow through on consequences of inappropriate behavior so that your experiences it

Example: Your child will understand that if they misbehave, they will be given a negative consequence; if they behave well, they will be given positive consequences

If you would like more information on how to help your child with logical thinking, please feel free to contact Learning Ridge at 404-964-8533 or you can send an email to info@learningridge.com.

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