Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One Activity To Help Teach Similarities

An important skill that children will need to learn early on is how to sort and classify. Many times, the influence of technology and modern day activities may not be the environment conducive to learning these skills. Before your child starts kindergarten, consider playing this game when you have some free time.

Introduction: Tell your child that this activity is called the "Similarities Game".


 1. Grab a few empty shoeboxes and tell your child that you will be collecting objects that are similar or alike in some way. 

2. Describe the kinds of things that you will be collecting. (socks, pencils, plastic silverware, toys).


1. With your child, label the box with the attribute or characteristic that you have selected.  An example of this could be "things that go on your feet" or "things that you wear on your neck".

2. Start hunting for the items that you are describing. Model the behavior by saying, "Look, I've found a sock, that is something that goes on your feet. Which box does this go in? We can put it here in this box."


1. Facilitate your child's understanding of the process. This can be done through constant feedback and discussion.

Example: Why did you choose to put this toothbrush in the box where it is labeled "hygiene"? If he/she says, "because a toothbrush helps you clean your teeth - and that shows that you have great personal hygiene", you can follow up with the statement by saying - "That is correct, when you brush your teeth that is showing that you have personal hygiene. What are some other things that can promote personal hygiene?"

2. Repeat this activity with other objects that have similar attributes. Once they understand this concept, it will be much easier to transfer the information to other more abstract concepts. 

If you would like more information on how to help your child with developing cognitive skills, feel free to contact Learning Ridge at 404-964-8533 or you can also email us at info@learningridge.com.

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