Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Important to Know Who To Ask for Help..

I've seen some parents ask advice from their friends, their family, and their various providers (personal trainers, therapists) on advice about their children. I often see that many people have an opinion on education but may not have the insight on what to do. Here is what I have observed in the last few months:

Case 1:

One parent called me several months ago describing problems that her child was having in school. There were multiple areas of concern and she had reached out to me to help with one of the mentioned concerns that was more skills based.  The advice of her therapist caused her to not receive the services that her son needs and now he is more than 2 years behind in a specific skill.

Summary: When parents are decisive, they are able to obtain the results that their student is needing in certain skills which will help your student become more confident in other areas as well.

Try to not delay receiving help for your child - this may result in months, if not years lost in their normal cognitive development.

Case 2:

One parent was eager to begin a targeted remediation program in reading. After compiling all of the paperwork, it was determined that her son would benefit from the reading program that would help him become more fluent and effective in reading comprehension and fluency. The advice of a family friend has prompted her to enroll him in a non-related cognitive skills class that has proven to have no significant educational benefit to her son. As a result, the school has decided to retain her child as he is shown to be almost 3 years behind his peers.

Summary: When presented with a problem, it is important that parents act upon the best interest of the child and correct the problem that is at hand. If one is trying to circumvent the issue and correct other unrelated problems, there may be delayed to no remediation that takes place. Similar to taking a prescription from your doctor - once they have made the prognosis, it is important to seek treatment immediately (or the problem may still linger).

If you, or anyone else you may know may benefit from highly effective educational solutions, please feel free to contact us at Learning Ridge. We guide students onto the path to success!

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